Exposing the Top 4 Myths of Cloud Security
One in five organizations have lost customers as a result of a cyberattack. Nearly 30% have lost revenue, with the average cost of a single data breach reported to be $4 million.
At the same time, 74% of IT leaders say security concerns hold them back from moving to the cloud. What about you?
Get the real story. Here are four common myths about cloud security and facts about the Microsoft cloud.
- Published in Microsoft
Customer story: How migrating to Azure is modernizing JB Hunt
With more than 2,100 applications, trucking company JB Hunt needed to simplify their data operations onto one platform. They didn’t want to restructure all their applications, so they found a platform that could seamlessly integrate with their existing apps. Azure made moving their on-premises infrastructure to the cloud easy. It gave them the ability to lift and shift to a modern platform. With the right help, you can do the same. Contact CANDI to learn how we can help.
- Published in Microsoft
Customer story: Federation Internationale de Volleyball uses Dynamics 365 to digitally transform consumer marketing
When the Federation Internationale de Volleyball was looking to transform fans’ interaction with the sport, they knew they needed to go beyond a simple social media or website overhaul. They decided to embrace a full platform shift with Dynamics 365 to transform and optimize user experience, both with their organization and the sport overall.
- Published in Microsoft
Customer story: Rochester Institute of Technology levels the playing field with AI for students who are deaf
The National Technical Institute for the Deaf, one of nine Rochester Institute of Technology colleges, is using AI technology such as Microsoft Translator, in combination with their extensive interpretive services, to provide a quality education to all students, even those with different learning needs. NTID is showing us that when technology is combined with determination and ingenuity, anything becomes possible.
- Published in Microsoft
Customer story: City of Westminster College | What is voice?
For a student who is hard of hearing, it can be difficult to communicate in class. That’s why Esam Baboukhan, the e-learning manager at the City of Westminster College (CWC), introduced Teams to facilitate the learning experience for every student, regardless of their ability to hear. Since then, Esam has seen improved student teamwork, especially with students that previously had to communicate through an interpreter. It’s one way that the modern workplace has enabled students to collaborate at CWC.
- Published in Microsoft
Increase Productivity and Security with Windows and Office
With the end of support for Windows 7 and Office 2010 fast approaching, your company’s sensitive data is at risk — a risk compounded by the skyrocketing number of employee devices.
Confirming this trend are findings from the World Trade Report and a Kaspersky Lab Study showing 50% of small businesses have suffered a data breach costing an average of $120,000.
Without the right tools, how would your company respond to a major breach?
Going modern with Microsoft can help. Specifically, it enables you to increase productivity and security, while reducing costs. This infographic provides more industry trends and customer stories. Check it out to better understand the risks and why Windows 10 and Office 365 are the right solutions to address them.
View: Increase Productivity and Security with Windows and Office
- Published in Microsoft