Expand Collaboration
Customize and expand your remote collaboration with @Microsoft Teams, keeping your team engaged, connected, and secure. Subscribe now!
- Published in Microsoft
Top seven tips for faster application development with DevOps
DevOps can help teams of any size develop, fix, and deploy software faster. By having faster application development, faster updates, and faster shipments, development lifecycles are shortened. It’s no wonder organizations across all vertical markets and global geographies have embraced DevOps. Along with collaboration, the ability to integrate DevOps efforts with the widest array of tools possible is a cornerstone to success. Read these 7 in-depth insights on faster application development with DevOps, then contact us to learn more about the flexibility of Microsoft DevOps with GitHub and Azure.
- Published in Microsoft
Microsoft Teams at 3: Everything you need to connect with your teammates and be more productive
Microsoft Teams continues to invest in experiences that will make it easier for teams to communicate and collaborate. This article by Jared Spataro, Corporate Vice President for Microsoft 365, informs how new capabilities reflect commitment to two things: building the very best online meeting experience for customers and bringing technological solutions to traditionally underserved professionals, including Firstline and healthcare workers.
The latest features include new integration between Teams and RealWear head-mounted devices, real-time noise suppression during meetings, booking apps, pop out chats, the raise hand feature, and more.
- Published in Microsoft
AI Cybersecurity Training
Discover how Azure Government provides government agencies and their partners world-class security, protection, and compliance through cloud services. In this video, Keenan Skelly talks about the benefits of a scalable, AI-powered, gamified, persistent cybersecurity training environment on the strength of Microsoft Azure.
- Published in Microsoft
Get started with GitHub and Azure DevOps
Adopting the tools and mindset of DevOps in the right manner will facilitate development efficiency, boost productivity, and increase the rate at which products can be brought to market. These helpful tips will get you on your way to gaining powerful design capabilities, innovation, acceleration, and more with GitHub and Azure.
- Published in Microsoft
Security Analytics and Operations: Industry Trends in the Era of Cloud Computing
Turn your organization to cloud-based security and address data capacity and infrastructure requirements to solve cloud challenges. Subscribe here!
View: Security Analytics and Operations: Industry Trends in the Era of Cloud Computing
- Published in Microsoft
Sell smarter with Microsoft Dynamics 365 and Office 365
In this video, you’ll see how Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Sales and Office 365 go beyond sales force automation to leverage CRM, engagement data, and insights to help your enterprise break down silos, drive more efficient sales, and win more revenue.
- Published in Microsoft