The SharePoint Virtual Summit is a chance to learn how to create a connected workplace in Office 365 with OneDrive and SharePoint, integrated with Yammer, Microsoft Teams, Windows, PowerApps and Microsoft Flow.
Microsoft unveil the latest innovations and roadmap, and they present how industry-leading customers are leveraging these technologies as part of their digital transformation. How Office 365, connected with Windows and Azure, is reinventing productivity for you, your teams and your organization.
Come join your fellow SharePoint and Office 365 enthusiasts at the JourneyTEAM office to watch the live broadcast of the SharePoint Virtual Summit. Microsoft had some pretty amazing announcements and customer demos last year and we anticipate this year to be a similarly amazing event. Seating is limited so reserve your space today!
At this year’s SharePoint Virtual Summit you’ll learn how to take advantage of SharePoint, OneDrive and the rest of the Office 365 collaboration toolkit to create a connected workplace, empowering you to securely connect to the people and content you need, to transform business processes, to inform and engage your employees, and to harness the collective knowledge of your organization.
Microsoft Corporate Vice President Jeff Teper will unveil the latest product innovations and roadmap. You’ll also hear from industry-leading customers on how they are leveraging these technologies as part of their digital transformation. Jeff will be joined by Microsoft Corporate Vice Presidents James Phillips and Chuck Friedman to discuss how Office 365— connected with Windows and Azure—is reinventing productivity for you, your teams and your organization.
Link of SharePoint Virtual Summit: https://aka.ms/SharePointSummit
Some Intresting Q&A from the SharePoint Virtual Summit
Web forms with PowerApps
Replace Infopath! Coming this summer
A: Will we ever see the 5,000 list view threshold increased/removed?
Q: Views that have an indexed column can show more than 5000 items.
We are adding automatic curation of indices so that saved views and ad hoc filtering and grouping.
A: Can you integrate PowerApps forms with REST services? just like how you could in InfoPath or custom JavaScript forms?
Q: Yes, we call them custom connectors, https://powerapps.microsoft.com/…/tuto…/register-custom-api/
A: Will we be able to put custom code on PowerApps forms?
Q: We suggest using Azure Functions to achieve complex business logic in PowerApps.
A: Any updates on raising/removing the 5000 item threshold in list views?
Q: we support 30 million items in list storage in SharePoint Online.
We do have a limit that any view must either use an indexed column, or if no index is present must show less than 5000 items.
We have a number of features coming that will automate creation and management of indices needed to make saved views, as well as ad hoc queries just work for lists with greater than 5000 items.
A: Is there any solution to use PowerApps to build off-line applications? One of four business unit is very excited about PowerApps features, but they need something to use in farms and forests (without Internet)
Q: We have started building support for offline in PowerApps. Please check this post by Carlos: https://powerapps.microsoft.com/…/build-offline-apps-with-…/
GDPR webinar May 24 – registration at https://info.microsoft.com/TrustPrivacyandGDPR-Registration…
Q: Will the improvements to forms via PowerApps do the same sorts of things that apps like K2 and Nintex can (e.g., multi-record form fields, hooking into services, no-code forms, etc.)?
A1: There is a lot of work going on to facilitate building business forms using PowerApps with many exciting features that have never been seen in other products!
Check out this announcement on forms enhancements here: https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/…/Reinventin…/ba-p/69260
A2: Yes – but worth noting that Nintex and K2 among others are prime enterprise partners for us, helping solve problems and scales that go well beyond PowerApps and Flow’s capabilities.
There are many simple scenarios that people have used ISV solutions for, and of course they can also be done in PowerApps and Flow – but they likely never needed the enhanced power of our partner solutions.
A: Yes, you can do this today using gallery and form controls.
Please check out the video on the bottom of this link for additional details:https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/…/Reinventin…/ba-p/69260